
Dog on exam table As a pet parent, you know that when your pet requires a procedure, you automatically begin to worry. One reason may be that your furry family member will need anesthesia. It's reassuring to know that veterinarians use anesthesia regularly, and it's proven to be both safe and effective at keeping pets comfortable during their procedure. It may ease your mind to know a bit about what happens during the process that we use at Mills Veterinary Care. 

When Anesthesia Is Used

Anesthesia may be used when undergoing any type of surgery, including spaying or neutering. Some pets may receive something to calm them down before grooming or routine dental work if they have high anxiety and may hurt themselves or the staff during the procedure.

Types of Anesthesia

Depending on your pet's particular surgery, health, and anxiety level, he or she may receive either a local or general anesthetic or a sedative. A local anesthetic affects just the area where your pet is having the procedure. It won't induce sleep. 

A general anesthetic, however, will induce deep sleep. Therefore, he or she won't be conscious during the surgery. The pet won't feel any pain, know what's going on, or remember the event. It's given intravenously. 

With a sedative, your pet receives medication, usually intravenously, that calms them and reduces their awareness. When a moderate level of sedative is given, the pet will lose some consciousness but will still be able to respond. 

In the event your pet is put into deep sedation, they won't be able to respond unless it's to a painful stimulus. Sometimes, your pet will receive a local along with another form of sedation. 

Preparing Your Pet for Anesthesia

When your four-legged companion needs a sedative or general anesthesia, you'll receive specific instructions to get them ready. Dr. Kompel will go over them before your pet's surgery date. 

As a prime example, you'll need to hold any food from your pet for at least 12 hours before the procedure if general anesthesia is necessary. 

What to Expect When Anesthesia Is Given 

With certain sedatives, you may need to give it to your pet before he or she arrives. Sometimes, another one is given upon arrival. With any other anesthesia, it's administered immediately prior to the surgery. 

After a general anesthetic or sedative, your pet will be groggy for a while as the effects wear off. He or she will need to stay and be monitored for a short period following the surgery. 

Since Dr. Kompel considers your pet's health condition beforehand, whatever type of anesthesia they choose will be generally safe for your pet. In addition, Dr. Kompel will take every step necessary to keep your pet comfortable and safe before, during, and after the procedure. For more information about anesthesia that could be used during your pets procedure please contact us at (609) 735-6160 to discuss your pets needs.

Mills Veterinary Care


18 Broadway St,
Browns Mills, NJ 08015




10:00 am - 8:00 pm


9:00 am - 5:00 pm


10:00 am - 8:00 pm


9:00 am - 5:00 pm





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